6. Literature
12 6. Literature Ackermann, Timo (2022): Partizipation und Kinderschutz: Herausforderungen und Entwicklungsperspektiven. In: Peyerl, Katrin/Züchner, Ivo (Hrsg.): Partizipation in der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe. Anspruch, Ziele und Formen von Kindern und Jugendlichen. Weinheim & Basel, Beltz Verlag, S. 178-191. Als PDF verfügbar über: https://www.beltz.de/fachmedien/sozialpaedagogik_soziale_arbeit/produkte/details/47646-partizipation-in-der-kinder-und-jugendhilfe.html Achour, Sabine/Wagner, Susanne (2020): Wer hat, dem wird gegeben. Politische Bildung an Schulen. […]
5.2 Quality standards crossing fields of action
5.2 Quality standards crossing fields of action Participation needs supportive institutional and societal framework conditions Participation includes all young people Participation needs qualification Participation is transparent Participation is verified 5.2.1 Participation needs supportive institutional and societal framework conditions Societal and institutional acknowledgement is a precondition for successful participation: Involvement of children and adolescents only succeeds if […]
5.1 The understanding of quality standards
5. The general quality standards 5.1 The understanding of quality standards Quality standards in the context at question here are objective, geographical, temporal, structural, procedural practice and personal preconditions for involvement of children and adolescents. In this way, central aspects of the cube described above are picked up to start with: topics and contents, methods […]
4. Models on involvement
4. Models on involvement There are a whole series of concepts in order to visualise the variety of forms of involvement. Again and again, we encounter models which portray the various forms of participation with the help of a staircase, a ladder or a pyramid (cf. e.g. Nanz/Fritsche 2012, p.23; Straßburger/Rieger 2019b, pp.12 et seqq.). […]
3. Understanding of involvement
3. Understanding of involvement Below, involvement means influencing children and adolescents, in some connections also young adults, for all the areas of life which affect them, be they social areas (German Lower House 2020, p.15 und 133 et seqq.), subjects and contents, be they processes and structures and others. So it is a question of […]
2. Substantiations for involvement of children and adolescents
2. Substantiations for involvement of children and adolescents The use of the term participation of children and youth quickly ignores the fact that not only the participation can assume varied forms, but that there are also highly differing substantiations for it. In an expertise, Thomas Olk and Roland Roth combined the arguments some years ago […]
1. Introduction
1. Introduction Children and youth are experts in their own affairs. For them, characterising and valuable experience of self-effectivity results if they are involved in decisions. But above all, children’s and adolescents’ views cannot be replaced in the organisation of our societal presence and future by any other perspective. Participation of children and youth in […]